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UTEP's English and American Literature programs (BA & MA) offer the highest quality instruction, from gifted professors, in a variety of challenging courses. So why do you need a mentor? Why should you be a mentor?  The most frequent request from undergraduate students:  greater challeng/stimulation in the subject; greater involvement in the program/department; and, greater interation with their peers. Though we have one of the most supportive programs on campus, instructors and staff cannot alone meet these needs. So, it is up to YOU, and US, to make sure that we start by getting to know one another and keep the conversation going.


Anyone can be a mentor, and their is much to gain from either role in a mentorship. Mentor meetings are not an extra requirement, and should not get in the way of course work. Instead, these meetings should give you an opportunity to get to know your peers, and should be a time where you find some respite from the semester. Its not a counceling session or a tutoring service, but you may be pleasantly surprised about the comfort and clarity that come simply from speaking with like-minded people who have already been through the program. 


Select the Undergraduate option from the drop down menu to find basic information about your potential role in the program, as well as benefits, request form and contact information.


Select the Graduate option from the drop down menu to see whether mentoring is right for you. Here, you can also find the mentor application as well as information about how you can be mentored by a program alumni or faculty member.


Mentoring Masters in English was created by graduates of the program for future graduates of the program. We are sensetive to the needs of the students and we know that your time is precious. Mentor.M.E. is flexible to fix your schedule, and it never requires face-to-face action. Though we have a physical office on campus, where you are welcome, and encouraged to meet, as well as a number of training and informational sessions, no campus meetings are required. All forms, applications and even mentoring sessions can be conducted 100% online, at any time that fits your schedule. Take a look at the Virtual Meeting Space to find out more, then submit your application to become or be paired with a mentor.

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